- Adult Education and Woman Empowerment for Sustainable Development Organized by (NAHUM) Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, March, 2003
- Determinants of Effective Management of Nursery/Primary Schools in Ilorin Seminar–Organized by School of Arts and Social Sciences KWACOED, Ilorin, June, 2003
- Eradication of Poverty in Nigerian Society: A way to National Security– Organized by NASRED at KWCOED, Ilorin, May, 2005
- Strategic Keeping and Management of School Records in the UBE Programme-Organized by School of Education KWCOED, Ilorin, November, 2005
- Sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria with her Multi Lingua Languages Seminar– Organized by School of Arts and Social Sciences FCE (SPECIAL), Oyo, June, 2006
- Poverty Alleviation: Educational Programme, the bedrock for National development–Organized by College of Education Academic Staff Union Abeokuta Chapter, May, 2006
- Corruption, National Politics and Religion–Organized by NASRED–FCE Abeokuta, June, 2006
- Challenges facing Nursery and Primary Schools in a Development Economy (March, 2007) Seminar Organized by Aminat Memorial Nursery & Primary School and School of Education, KWCOED, Ilorin, March, 2007.
- State Education Sector Project Kwara. Jimoh A.A. – Facilitator Kwara State Reference Groups Workshop (25th-27th February, 2008
- Approaches and Process of Managing and Resolving Conflict – Michael Imoudu Institute for Labour Studies (MINILS) 15th-18th December, 2009
- Trade Union Amendment Act 2005: A critical Evaluation–Michael Imoudu National Institute for Labour Studies (MINILS) 15th-18th December, 2009
- Promoting Gender Equality and Social Protection through Social Dialogue in the Work Place–Michael Imoudu National Institute for Labour Studies (MINILS) 1st -4th December, 2009, delivered at Adebo Hall, Abeokuta
- Conflict Response Mechanism in Primary and Post primary Institution–Ideal Multi-purpose Hall, Ilorin, Dated 27th-28th October, 2009. Being a paper presented at Seminar/Workshop of A services Limited and Naomi Prime Concept
- Conflict Resolution from Islamic Perspective: A paper Presented at IMAN Ramadan Lecture, Ilorin (2010).
- Managing Conflict among Nomadic People in Nigeria: The Role of Education. A paper presented at National Conference of Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, Date: 8th Oct.-11th Oct., 2013.
- Mediation as an Effective Conflict Resolution Mechanism: The Nigeria Football Federation Crisis as a Case Study. 29th Annual National Conference of Sport Psychology Association of Nigeria, Kwara State University, Malete. 24th-28th November, 2014.
- Working As a Team Towards A Mutual Goal for Efficient and Effective Healthcare Delivery. 7th National Scientific Conference & Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NANA) held in Ilorin. 4th–9th November, 2013.
- Poverty Alleviation: A Panacea Towards Good Governance and National Security in Nigeria, 6th National Conference of Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU), Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin. 10th–13th November, 2013.
- Attended a One-Day Seminar tagged: “Training for better productivity” organized by the Directorate of Special Duties College of Education, Ilorin. 3rd February, 2015
- Attended and completed Advanced Digital Appreciation Programme for Tertiary Institutions (ADAPTI) at Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin. 8th–12th February, 2016.
- Attended and Participated in the 5th Annual National Conference of the Association for promoting Academic Research and Development in Nigeria. A paper presented titled: Conflict and Crisis Management as tool for Promoting Peace and Security in Society, Kwara State University, Malete 22nd–26th February, 2016.
- Assessment of Peace Maintenance Mechanisms at Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Nigeria. An MPhil/Ph.D Seminar Submitted to the Centre for Peace And Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, February, 2016.
- Attended and Participated Actively in One-Week International Conference titled: “Fostering Quality Teaching in Higher Education Institutions – Policies and Best Practices – Held from 30th-6th June, 2016 Birmingham, U.K.
- Assessment of Teaching Quality among Secondary School Teachers in Ilorin Metropolis in Kwara State – Paper delivered at an International Conference 30th–6th June, 2016, in Birmingham, U.K.
- Media and Peace: The Two-Side of a Coin. A Paper submitted at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin.
- Towards a Better Implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme Published Journal – LAJEST Vol. 4, No. 1, September, 2002
- Determinants of Effective Management of Private Educational Institutions in Nigeria Published Journal – ATIBA Journal of the School of Arts and Social Science FCE (Special) Oyo, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2006.
- Poverty Alleviation: Educational Programme–The Bedrock for National Development – Published Journal, Ilorin Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2006
- Eradication of Poverty in Nigeria Society. A way to National Security – Published Journal NASRED Eds Folorunsho, Oyewoye (2006).
- Adult Education: A complimentary effort for sustenance development in Nigeria Published Journal “Religions Education” NASRED Vol. 1, 2006
- Effectiveness of Dialogue as a Strategy in Resolving Conflicts between Management and Staff Unions in Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin – Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Vol. 4, No. 1, September, 2006.
- Corruption, National Politics and Religion – Publisher Journal NASRED Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2 (2007).
- Ethnicity of substance of Democracy in Nigeria – Lapal International Journal or Management and Social Science (LIJOMASS) Vol. 1 (1) December, 2008
- The Role of Ministry of Education in School Supervision – Ilorin Journal of Teacher Education (IJTED) Vol. 5, No. 1, June, 2009
- Mediation as an Effective Conflict Resolution Mechanism: The Nigeria Football Federation Crisis as a Case Study. A Journal of Sports Psychology Association of Nigeria (SPAN), Vol. 9, 2014.
- Conflict and Crisis Management: A tool for promoting Peace and Security in Society. Journal of Collaborative Research and Development (JCRD). Published by Association for Promoting Academic Research and Development in Nigeria (APARDN), Vol. 4, 2016
- Attitude of Agro-pastoralist and Rural Farmers toward Peaceful Co-existence in Conflict Agrarian Communities: Unpublished Journal of School of Agricultural Education, Federal College of Education (FCE), Abeokuta, Vol. 5, 2021
- Jimoh, A.A (2006) “Man and His Government”. Ilorin: Ideal Commercial Press
- Jimoh, A.A (2007) Issues and Problems of Development in Nigeria Ideal Commercial Press, Ilorin
- Jimoh, A.A. (2008) Introduction to Socialization. Ilorin: Ayobas Printing Press
- Jimoh, A.A. (2009) “Nigeria and other countries” Ilorin: Ideal Commercial Press
- Jimoh, A.A. (2009) Man and His Relationship. Ilorin: Nathadex Publisher.
- Jimoh, A.A. (2009) Introduction to Social Studies Education and Nation Building & The Concept of the Family. Ilorin: Nathadex Publishers
- Jimoh, A. A. (2009) “Comparative Patterns of Nation Building Nigeria and other Countries” Ilorin: Nathadex Publishers
- Jimoh, A.A. & Ore, Aishat (2010) Social Problems in Nigeria. Ilorin: Jimba Press
- Jimoh, A.A. & Ajadi T. A. (2016) Man and His Economics Activities. Ilorin: Ideal Commercial Press
- Man’s Political Activities in Government (2013), Ilorin: Ideal Commercial Press
- Man’s Economic Activities, (2013), Ilorin: Ideal Commercial Press